Archive for the news Category

CfP deadline extended

| May 1st, 2023

Our CfP dragon has some news regarding CfP deadline!

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Are you doing something interesting, super exciting, and fun that you would like your peers to hear about? BSides is organized by the community for the community, and everyone is encouraged to participate. If you would like to share the excitement about the work you do and enable others to learn from you and gain recognition in the community, give a talk at the event. CfP is still open (for 10 extra days), so hurry up and submit your talk here: .//cfp/

We are announcing the upcoming 7th edition of Security BSidesLjubljana: it will take place on the ** Friday, 16th June 2023 **. Save the date now! :)

The preparations for another *Aw3s0m3* event are in full swing. But: BSides is a community-driven information security event, and like every year, we won’t be able to make it without YOU. This is a call for participation to all infosec enthusiasts out there!

Here is how YOU can help:

  • Give a talk or workshop

Are you doing something interesting, super exciting and fun that you would like your peers to hear about? BSides is organized by the community for the community and everyone is encouraged to participate. If you like to share the excitement about the work you do, if you want to enable others to learn from you and if you want to gain recognition in the community, give a talk or a workshop at the event. Call for papers is now open, the submission deadline is the 30th of April 2023! Please see the CFP page for more details.

  • Spread the word

Every share is invaluable! Follow us on Twitter @BSidesLjubljana, spread the word about BSidesLjubljana and CFP on social networks, among your friends and colleagues – share, tweet, retweet, blog, reblog, use hashtag #BSidesLjubljana. Make some noise! (Thank you <3)

  • Sponsor

BSidesLjubljana is a free, non-profit, community-driven event for information security experts and enthusiasts to meet, share ideas and collaborate. It would not be possible without the generous help of sponsors to keep it free for all participants. Would you like to support the initiative? Maybe you know someone or a company who can help us? More information about sponsorship together with sponsorship kit is available on the Sponsors page.

  • Volunteer

To be able to make everything fall into place, we will need an extra team of enthusiastic volunteers. If you would like to help us out on the 16th June 2023 and be a part of the team to make this event happen, reach us by sending an email to hello [at] bsidesljubljana [dot] si. Present yourself in a few words and let us know why you want to help at this particular event. Beforehand, we are also looking for:

    • passionate HTML/CSS hackers out there to improve/ refresh ascii/ hackerish design of
    • passionate designer to help us with co-creating BSidesLjubljana representation.
  • Attend the event

Don’t miss out on the best part – talks, workshops, CTF, networking and more. Between February and April, free tickets in a limited amount will be released. We will announce more information later.

Dates to remember:

  • 6th March 2023: CFP Open
  • 30th April 2023: CFP Deadline
  • April – June: Tickets available (limited amount)
  • 16th June 2023: BSidesLjubljana 0x7E7

Follow up on BSidesLjubljana announcements:


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| January 5th, 2023
# dnf upgrade bsidesljubljana
Last metadata expiration check: 0:43:27 ago on Thu 05 Jan 2023 12:16:09 PM +0545.
Dependencies resolved.
 Package           Arch         Version          Size
 bsidesljubljana   x86_64       0x7e7.el9_9.1    1337 k




# ./bsidesljubljana prepare